Ready for a HOT Canada Day?

Hi All, wow are we ever in the middle of a heat wave here in Southern Ontario! Check out the forecast for the next 7 days and Canada Day is expected to be the hottest. I sure would hate to be in downtown Toronto or any big city this weekend, all that concrete would make it feel even more like an oven. A week of 30C plus days in a row has to be a record!!!!


And in Fahrenheit for our American friends….right now we’re hotter than Murrell’s Inlet, SC!!!


Ruth is still planning on having her annual Canada Golf/party  and we’re all helping get ready, including the cats!

Thank God they have a pool here, it’s definately helping all of us stay cool, including Charlie who would be in it every minute of every day if the gate was left open. Stay cool y’all and have a Happy Canada Day!
